Thursday, September 23, 2010

Latin America in March?

I received an e-mail today from the supervisor for placement review confirming yesterday's phone conversation (see previous post), but with a little more detail. She said I'm being considered for a program in Latin America that leaves in March, and that has a slightly different placement process than other Peace Corps programs. She has forwarded my resume to the post and said if they think the fit is not right, based on either my resume or the interview, she will return my file to my placement specialist to be considered for another program that matches up with my skills and background.

Sounds good so far. That would give me time to get the Spanish version of Rosetta Stone and start learning Espanol. Si? Esto es muy emocionate! <--courtesy of Babel Fish online traslator. Try it!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I heard a heartbeat!

I heard from the Peace Corps today. WAHOO!!! There's no specific assignment yet, but the call was to give me a heads up that there's a good match for me in the Technology Transfer Program. The program looks for people with business skills and backgrounds in areas such as organizational development and communication to fill site-specific needs within a country. The Peace Corps works in partnership with these organizations, which would sponsor my visa, but it would still be a Peace Corps position. I was told to expect a call within the next two weeks for an interview. In the meantime, the Placement Office is waiting to hear back on some other positions that are also a good fit. It's nice to be able to post some progress on my blog, and even nicer to know my file is still alive.